X.ors news!

everyone that wants to see the battles of are 2019 X.olympiques, we will be recording on 7/27/2019 and publishing on 8/5/2019 (please note, we will use spetial effects of fire, water, lightning and a tone of other things that could give nightmars.


X.olympique activities lazer worrier 1v1 divisions nathou VS sarous lucas VS flixou -------------- ΒΈ2v2 teams natous et lucas VS sarous et flixou winers VS for 1 place .......................... setup gym , sidway mats , gps , hp finding , guns , snaks , masque. ----------------------------- sabre capture the flage with nerf guns ..................................... armour masque , sheild ........................ gun type mega , elite ......................... ------------------------- wisard battles fights lucas vs sarous nathou vs flixou winner of 1 VS winner of 2 winner gets gold loser gets silver loser of 1 VS loser of 2 winner gets bronze loser gets coal ................. setup mats , color coded energy mats red = wind and fire blue = lightning and water ............ parents filming alowance needed. video also edited. -------------------------- all videos are published on http://www.xors.neocities.org/ ----------------------------- (note, some of this stuff is for staff.)